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Quabbin Youth Basketball League

Quabbin Youth Basketball League

Q. What is the Q.Y.B.L.?
A. The Quabbin Youth Basketball League (Q.Y.B.L.) is a youth basketball league that began in 1989. The purpose of the league was to give all the children of the region a place to play, increase interest in and develop skills in the sport of basketball. We are a nonprofit organization working independently from the Quabbin Regional School District and all other entities. Please note our Travel League teams are independent from Quabbin Middle School teams. We do encourage all 6-8th graders to try out for both Travel League(QYBL) and middle school(QRHMS) teams.  

Q. How do I register my child?
A. Simply click on the register tab on the sites home page. you will be instructed to create an account if you don't already have one. Then you will be able register your child to play for the appropriate team.

Q. How do I volunteer?
A. When you register your child you may also click on the "register as volunteer" prompt to register yourself as a volunteer. We are always in need of new volunteers to share with coaching, administrative and fund-raising activities.

Q. How do I become a sponsor?
A. All donations are welcome however a $250 sponsorship will get your company's name or logo on the back of over 200 jerseys and any donation of at least $100 will get your logo and a direct link to your company's website on our QYBL homepage.

Q. How do I know what team to register my child for?
A. Please follow the instructions as you register and refer to "Levels of Play" on our homepage to know what team is appropriate for your child.

Q. Can my child play both Travel and Middle School Basketball?
A. Yes, and we encourage playing for both QYBL Travel teams and the Middle School team. Middle School tryouts take place after Thanksgiving.  
     Middle School is run by Quabbin Regional Middle/High School and is separate from the QYBL. Schedules are taken into consideration by our coaches to avoid conflicting schedules.

Q. When are games played?
A. Travel League games take place on Sundays from December- early March. 
     Rec League games take place on Saturdays from December-February.
     Biddy Ball schedules are figured out after enrollment. Typically, Saturday mornings in January however there may need to be weeknight sessions to accommodate high volume sign ups.

Q. What are the fees associated with the different levels of play?
A. Travel League- $130 (includes league entry fee, referee fees)
     Rec League- $50 (includes jersey)
     Biddy Ball- $50 (includes jersey)

Q. Are there any discounts or scholarships available?
A. The Q.Y.B.L. offers family discounts after more than one child is registered. each subsequent registration will receive a $20 discount from the             registration fee. We also understand that economic times can sometimes be difficult. Scholarships will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
     If you require assistance with the registration fee for the Rec-League please email Susan at [email protected]
     If you require assistance with the registration fee for Travel League please email Tim at [email protected]

Q, When i register for Travel League, why is there not a fee charged?
A. You will not be charged for Travel League until after tryouts and teams have been selected. If your child makes a Travel team, you will receive an 
     email notifying you and that there is now a fee that is due. If your child is not selected to a team or a team for their age group is not formed, you will not be charged.              

Please direct Rec league questions to: Susan: email: [email protected]
Please direct Travel league questions to Tim: email: [email protected] 
Please direct Biddy Ball questions to Peggy: email: [email protected]


Quabbin Youth Basketball League
PO Box 457 
Barre, Massachusetts 01005

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